Ep. 3-18: Grow Milkweed Plants | Brad Grimm

This podcast season I'll be walking you thru the baby steps of growing milkweed for your garden. Step 1 is to collect milk jugs. That your only assignment thru Thanksgiving. A post shared by Grow Milkweed Plants 🐛 (@growmilkweedplants) on Oct 26, 2017 at 2:13am PDT If you’ve ever thought growing milkweed for the monarchs […]

Ep. 3-10 : Raising Monarch Butterflies

This episode covers my experience as a newbie keeper of monarch caterpillars. I raised a couple of sets of monarchs this summer and thought it would be worthwhile to pass on some of this information to other people interested in raising monarch butterflies, too. I am by far not an expert in this so if […]