Ep. 3-12: Bamboo, Plant Obsessions, and Creating Ninth Ward Nursery | Mark Sanders

Welcome to the Jungle

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What if you took that step from selling the extra cuttings and propagated plants from your garden on Craigslist and Ebay to the next level and upped the game to build your own full-fledged nursery? Sounds like a dream, right? Well, Mark Sanders of Ninth Ward Nursery in New Orleans, Louisiana did just that in a few short years, from selling bamboo in his backyard to purchasing an empty lot in the Ninth Ward and converting it into a plant nursery. Soon he was expanding the business into providing landscape design and consulting services. And in five years??? Who knows!

My conversation with Mark covers his passion for bamboo, how he turned that bamboo obsession into a business, general plant geekery, and what it is like to fly by the seat of your pants when creating a business from scratch. I’ve been following a lot of different New Orleans and Louisiana gardeners and landscape designers over the last year or so and it was great to finally get to chat with one of them. Even if you aren’t familiar with gardening in the south, muchless in Louisiana or New Orleans, you will really enjoy this episode!

Music: “New Day” by Lee Rosevere

Show Notes
+Ninth Ward Nursery
+@ninthwardnursery on Instagram

A few photos from Mark:

Our spray paint layout in our flower garden.


One thought on “Ep. 3-12: Bamboo, Plant Obsessions, and Creating Ninth Ward Nursery | Mark Sanders

  1. […] Listen to the original episode:Episode 3-12 […]

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