Ep. 3-9: Fall Flower Garden Tour

Today’s episode is another garden tour, this time of our flower garden! During the episode I blanked out on a couple of the names but I hope I covered some of them in the plant list below. This is by far not a comprehensive plant list but just a smattering of some of the ones I mentioned in the episode. They do not go to any particular site, just ones I thought worked best for the information at hand. Check out some of the photos of my garden below, too!

Music: “New Day” by Lee Rosevere








Show Notes:
+Update on the Side Yard Garden
+Compost Bin Update
+Ft. Lauderdale airport baobab article
+Downtown Hollywood, FL baobab trees

Some of the plants mentioned:
+Variegated Turk’s Cap Hibiscus
+Butterfly Ginger
+Senna corymbosa
+American beautyberry
+Almond verbena
+Clematis pitcheri
+Mexican Flame Vine
+Brugmansia ‘Snowbank’
+Salvia elegans
+Texas mountain mint
+Copper Canyon Daisy
+White firewheel
+Flame acanthus
+Tropical milkweed
+Amorpha fruticosa
+Salvia hispanica
+‘Wendy’s Wish’ salvia
+False nettle
+Justicia spicigera
+Passiflora ‘incense
+Aristilochia fimbriata
+Baobab trees
+Rhododendron canescens
+Rhododendron austrinum
+Abelmoschus moschatus
+Aristolochia trilobata
+Pseuderanthemum alata
+Miracle Fruit


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