Today’s guest is Joanne Woolsey of Jimbo’s Nursery here in Greater Houston. As you will hear in the episode, Jimbo’s is specialty nursery focusing primarily on a variety of bromeliads as well as other tropicals, including succulents. This kind of nursery is very unique for the area! My first visit to Jimbo’s was back in August after a trip down to Galveston for the afternoon. We detoured off the beaten path to Jimbo’s on our way home to scope out what plants they had to offer. My husband, Chris, had been to the nursery once or twice before but I’d never had the opportunity to visit. It reminded us so much of the nurseries we would find in south Florida, the small, narrowly focused plant growers that would be tucked away off side streets, sometimes in people’s backyards!
After my visit I connected with Jimbo’s on Instagram and Joanne reached out to come on the podcast to talk a little bit about the nursery and some of the plants they offer. If you are in the Houston area this nursery is one to put on your list of must visit places!
Just a heads up: I had some problems with audio on my end for the first six or so minutes but it clears up after that! My apologies for weirdness!
Music: “New Day” by Lee Rosevere
Show Notes:
+Jimbo’s Nursery on Instagram
+Houston Bromeliad Society
A few of the tillandsias mentioned:
+Tillandsia ionantha
+Tillandsia stricta
+Tillandsia bulbosa
+Tillandsia funckiana
A few more photos from my visit to the nursery: