Last fall Trey Watson with Legg Creek Farm reached out to me, requesting to be a guest on the podcast. It took a few false starts before we coordinated a time to sit down and chat. Trey was releasing his latest book, The Lazy Gardener’s Guide to Easy Edibles and wanted to spread the word. He’s authored several other books, including books on southern fruit trees as well as children’s books, and runs Legg Creek Farm, a mail-order fruit tree farm just outside of Nacogdoches, Texas. We chatted about his books as well as some of the interesting edibles he highlighted in his book and talked about fruit tree varieties that do well for southern gardens. If you are a southern gardener looking to add fruit trees to your garden, this is a must listen!
Music: ‘Going Home’ by Lee Rosevere
Show Notes:
+Trey’s books over on Amazon.
+@leggcreekfarm over on Instagram
+Anna and Dorsett Golden apple information from the University of Florida.
+Apples for the Houston Area via Urban Harvest, including the Carnivale apple.