In today’s episode I sat down with my husband Chris to talk about our garden plans for 2016! We ran through topics such as composting, beekeeping, pruning fruit trees, managing native habitats, the vegetable garden, and being friendly with snakes. Show notes are below with some more detailed information on what we talked about!
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Music: ‘True North’ by Adam Selzer
Show Notes:
+Composting: Compost Pile Update
+Beekeeping: Bee Day & 2015 Honey Harvest
+Snakes: Friends not Foes, a post I wrote. Living Alongside Wildlife is a great website for learning about snakes and differentiating venomous versus non-venomous. Don’t Kill Snakes via the Wandering Herpetologist.
+Carnavale Apple
+Dawn Redwood information

[…] I sat down with my husband Chris to do another garden round up. We last talked together was for Episode 3 where we did a similar round up for our plans heading into […]