James Barela is a graphic designer by day, potter, artist, and gardener by night and all the spaces in between. James lives and works in Austin, Texas, where he runs his business Baetanical. At Baetanical you can find as he puts it, “…the Best in Botanical Curiosity”—pieces of plant inspired art, and unique, hand-thrown ceramic […]
Ep. 3-6: Bromeliads | Joanne Woolsey & Jimbo’s Nursery
Today’s guest is Joanne Woolsey of Jimbo’s Nursery here in Greater Houston. As you will hear in the episode, Jimbo’s is specialty nursery focusing primarily on a variety of bromeliads as well as other tropicals, including succulents. This kind of nursery is very unique for the area! My first visit to Jimbo’s was back in […]