Ti-Ti, Cyrilla racemiflora, blooming in its appropriate habitat location. A treefrog found a temporary place to rest on Lisa’s leg! Calopogon tuberosus Show Notes: Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve Facebook Group
Early Spring Botanical Walk at Roy E. Larsen Sandyland Sanctuary
Cardamine bulbosa, bulbous bittercress, a common bottomland cress found in the spring. Sign up for the podcast newsletter —> HERE! Show Notes +Roy E. Larsen Sandyland Sanctuary +Checking in on an old friend at Roy E. Larsen Sandyland Sanctuary +Spring Wakeup at Roy E. Larsen Sandyland Sanctuary +Early Spring Lepidopterans at Roy E. Larsen Sandyland […]
Back to the Seepage Swamp | Finding Bartonia texana
View this post on Instagram The very diminutive Bartonia texana, Texas screwstem (G2/S2S3 in Texas, S1 in Louisiana). Chris has been far more into the research of this plant because it’s been on his goal list to find the last several years. B. texana is very habitat specific occurring in the baygall seepage swamps of […]
Exploring The Big Thicket
Show Notes: Watson Preserve Geraldine Watson via Texas Legacy Geraldine Watson’s obituary Geraldine Watson article in Texas Parks and Wildife, April 2012 Zebra Swallowtail Caterpillar — my blog post of the one we found