Today’s episode is one I have been wanting to make for quite a while and I’m glad it finally happened—an interview with Leah Churner and Colleen Dieter from The Horticulturati, a garden and horticulture podcast based out of Austin, Texas. Leah and Colleen are both garden designers with extensive knowledge of the garden industry in and around Austin and produce what I find to be the most delightful garden podcast out there! It certainly isn’t a podcast only for gardeners in Austin or Texas because Leah and Colleen tackle issues in the industry from their most recent episode about problematic common plant names to Ammonium Nitrate and well beyond all of those topics. They make you think, laugh, and inquire more about the gardening life you lead.
This is a longer episode than my usual podcast episodes but I hope that it gives you great insight into who each of them are and entices you to check out their podcast and hit subscribe.
Show Notes:
+The Horticulturati Podcast
+@thehorticulturati on Instagram
+Red Wheeelbarrow – Colleen’s business
+Delta Dawn Gardens – Leah’s business
+Hot House Podcast