Today’s guest is Haeley Giambalvo from San Antonio, Texas. You may know her on Instagram as the person behind Native Backyards, the highly informative account that features native plants and native plant gardening advice focused on Texas. I have loved what Haeley has been doing since the very start of her account and have admired the effort she has put into the outreach and advocacy for native plants on her account. In addition, she has a website that delves into all this even more, complete with resources on where to find native plants in your region.
In our conversation we talk about her entry to gardening with native plants, how and why she began the Native Backyards platform, and some of her favorite native plants to garden with. There’s a lot to learn from Haeley!
Show Notes:
+Native Backyards
+Design Improvised

Excellent interview! Haeley made several great points, especially how important it is to dispel the myth of native gardens / plants as being weedy or unkempt. Seeing a number of gardens in parts of Texas featuring native plants, well-designed using different styles does help. It beats some other areas where that’s mostly lip-service.
Her examples of where to see native plant gardens also helps, such as themes like native Texas grasses.
Thanks for the kind comments, David!