Ep. 4-6: Nurturing an Urban Gardening Community and Business | Timothy Hammond View this post on Instagram Farm Friday 👨🏾🌾 On Friday I’m going to be giving an update on what’s going on at the Big City Gardener farm space. Planted 6 rows: 2 cilantro, 2 arugula , and 2 mesclun greens. Still have a lot of work to do and rows to plant. Need to cut the grass and clean out the walkways. ___________________________________________________ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ #FarmFriday #EdibleLandscaping #EdibleLandscape #Permaculture #SustainableLandscaping #FullBloom #SustainableGardening #MasterGardener #Houston #GardenCoach #Zone9A #TheHappyGardeningLife #UrbanFarm #UrbanFarmer #UrbanGardening #UrbanGarden #EpicGardening #GrowForIt #EatOrganic #SlowFoodMovement #BackyardFarmer #PesticideFree #CityFarm #GrowingFood #SustainableSprout #CityGarden #FallGarden #OrganicGarden #GardenGram #EatWhatYouGrow A post shared by Timothy Hammond (@bigcitygardener) on Nov 2, 2018 at 6:13pm PDT Music: Going Home by Lee Rosevere http://www.thegardenpathpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/TGPP_Ep4_6_BigCityGardener_11252018.mp3 Download Ep. 4-6 Show Notes: +Big City Gardener: Timothy’s website +@bigcitygardener on Instagram