A couple of weeks ago the Native Plant Podcast had Ian Caton of Wood Thrush Native Plant Nursery on their show and I found the episode fascinating. I clicked over to Ian’s website and found myself falling down the rabbit hole of the interesting native plants he had for sale and was happy to see he had seeds for sale as well. Priced as a reasonable $2 a packet, I couldn’t help but use some Christmas giftcard money to stock up on some native seeds for spring! This episode covers the seeds I ordered, similar to Episode 3-13: All the Seeds. The show notes link directly to the plants I ordered on his website. I just placed an order with Prairie Moon Nursery so there’s a good chance I’ll be recording another episode about that order in a few weeks!
Until then, happy growing!
Music: “New Day” by Lee Rosevere
Show Notes
+Aconitum uncinatum
+Asclepias exaltata
+Coreopsis pubescens
+Eryngium aquaticum
+Gaillardia aestivalis var. aestivalis
+Gentiana saponaria
+Saxifraga pensylvanica
+Senna marilandica
+Silene stellata

That was me!!! We were not home free, but it’s all good now after the cleanup from the ice. 9 burn piles later….seriously.
9 burns piles! Oh no!! That blows.