When I finally joined Twitter in mid-2011 it took me awhile to get the hang of it, finding people to chat with. What I eventually discovered was a rich gardening community that I connected with. Katie was one of those people that I found and over the years we’ve chatted about gardening and other random life topics via Twitter, email, and our blogs. When my gardening collaborative blog was in its hey-day, Katie showed off her garden on our 2013 Summer Garden Tour feature. Since then she’s moved a few more times and is now starting over garden-wise (and in other ways), once again, at a brand new place in Northern California.
Katie is very enthusiastic about gardening and I had a very fun conversation with her! When she told me she talked fast I thought, ‘nah’! But yes, she’s got a rapid fire pace that keeps you on your toes! Show notes are below!
Music: Adam Selzer ‘True North’
Show Notes:
Find Katie here:
+Twitter: @norcalkatie
+Her Blog: NorCalKatie.com
+California’s Central Valley
+Sunset Magazine
+Oakes Daylilies
+UC Davis/USDA National Clonal Germplasm Repository
+Dave Wilson Nurseries
+Loquat tree
+Sheet mulching
+Straw bale gardening

[…] Notes: +Starting From Scratch with Katie Swanberg: the episode in which we talk about sheet mulching. +Becoming a Naturalist with Erin Gettler: […]